Hi, my name is Camila and I have lived in Santiago city a year ago because between studying at university, so I know few places, but what I know is a place as "lastarria" that is a beatiful location to explore and to eat in a nice premises, I recommend, also I recomnend known the hill "santa lucia" has a beatiful view and that serves to take a walk and to make a little exercise. To get to this places, in Santiago city the metro is a good opcion getting transportation, is my favorite way of trasnport me and I totally recommend because is generally clean, is security, at least more than this the bus or known as "transantiago". In the time that living here I believe that have many exciting spots and is easier to go, but I do not have the time to find to more.


  1. Oh! someday I would like to visit the 'Santa Lucia' hill, so I can enjoy the beautiful views you mention and get some execise.

  2. Santa Lucia hill is also very good to practice downhill


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