POST 5  : " Back to the past"

hello, how are you, hoping you are well, today I wanted to touch the topic of whether I prefer the future or the past.

Starting with where I would prefer to go, at this moment I would say the past, when you were little, everything was easier, we had less responsibilities, more emotional stability and almost everything was nice, I think my past I would leave it as it it, I would not like to change anything about it because all that I have lived has led me here, I also find that I had a very nice childhood, without problems like other people or families, so I am grateful fot that. Specifically I would like to return between the the ages of 9 and 13, because I feel that those were years that I had many new experinces, changes in my person, both physical and mental, plus I had a great time at school, I had a great group of friends, I was really happy.

Personally I think that going to the future is not a very good idea because it makes you like a spoiler of what is to come and I don´t know if it is very good, I prefer to enjoy my day yo day, I learned that recently because before I anly imagined how my future would be and I thought more about that than taking advantage of the little things and moments that the present gave me, affecting me mentally sometimes and maybe missing important memories, so I think I preferred to travel to the past and relive a nice stage or moment tha travel to the future and maybe be disappointed.

 And that I think that I explained a little but I hope you liked my opinion on this subject, goodbye  


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